Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) Hubs
What are Acute Respiratory Infection Hubs?
ARI Hubs are designed to relieve pressure on other parts of the local healthcare system, including Urgent Treatment Centres, A&E, and ambulance services. The service is intended to help patients (both children and adults) with suspected respiratory infections and showing symptoms of such, to access a face-to-face appointment, usually on the same day.
Who can access the ARI Hubs?These hubs are available to adults and children over the age of 5 years old with acute respiratory symptoms most likely due to infection. This can include exacerbation of existing underlying respiratory disease.
- Acute/New respiratory symptoms of 10 days or less
- Cough with or without sputum production
- Shortness of breath
- Difficultly breathing
- Wheeze
- Signs of infection
- Temperature / fever / chills
- Muscle aches
- Lethargy / fatigue
- Feeling generally unwell
Questions we will ask before booking:
- What are the symptoms?
- When did they start?
- Is this new or ongoing?
- Are you getting worse, getting better, or stable?
- Have you tested for COVID-19?
- We will check for red flag symptoms (see below)
Who is not suitable?
- Patients whose symptoms have been ongoing for than 10 days
- Patients who have tested positive for COVID-19
- Patients presenting with red flags should be advised to either present at A&E or call an ambulance:
- New onset confusion
- Persistently high temperature
- Drowsiness / Unconsciousness
- Severe breathing difficulty – unable to speak properly
- Blue discolouration to lips